Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crunchy Clean Review & Giveaway*CLOSED

The name Crunchy Clean is well known in the
cloth diapering and green "community" but
other than that I knew nothing more about this company.
Did you know that Crunchy Clean is owned
and operated near my hometown, Memphis, Tennessee?
Until recently, neither did I!

A few months ago I joined a local cloth diapering
group, Cloth Diaper Memphis and "met" a few
mamas that lived nearby that shared
in the love for cloth diapering.
One of the administers of the group, Ashley Brummer,
introduced herself to me as the mama behind Crunchy Clean.

I was flabbergasted.
Here I live in a city that is known for being very mainstream,
not very Eco-friendly, lacking in so many ways but it is
the birth place of such a widely known GREEN product!?!

In the last couple months I have gotten to know
Crunchy Clean in so many ways...
The family behind the product and the product line itself.
I feel so privileged.

Ashley and Jeremy Brummer started Crunchy Clean when
after the birth of their first child. They made the decision for
Ashley to leave her career to be a stay-at-home mom.
Shortly after they started making their own Eco-friendly
cleaning supplies... Crunchy Clean was born.

This awesome mom and dad duo have been through a lot!
After two preemies, medical problems and more..
They still maintain a wholesome, positive attitude and
their company has flourished!

I was given a nice package of stuff from Crunchy Clean
to test out and review!
Before meeting the duo behind Crunchy Clean I had
no idea the variety of products available!
Not only do they make cloth friendly detergent
but a long list of household cleaners,
all of which are Eco-friendly!

I was given a bag of Everyday Diaper Detergent,
Everyday Laundry Detergent, Pure Oxygen,
Scrub a Dub Dub and a bottle of Natural All Purpose Cleaner.

The Everyday Diaper and Laundry Detergent
are both scented (Monkey Farts.. Yum :) )
Crunchy Clean's detergents contain no 
"optical brighteners, fillers, dyes, or enzymes.";
They are HE friendly and safe to use on all clothing.
Crunchy Clean says that there is no need to add
an extra rinse when using their detergent because it
leaves no soap residue or buildup.
Both are available in unscented or scented at
with your favorite fragrance.
Scents such as, but not limited to:
Peppermint, Vanilla lavender, Apple, and more.
I love both Crunchy Clean's laundry and cloth detergent. 
My diapers smell fresh and are cleaner than ever, 
definitely one of my favorite detergents I have yet to try!
The Laundry formula is wonderful.
I have been using the same liquid "store bought" 
detergent for over 5 years now but since using 
Crunchy Clean on our clothes I have noticed
cleaner clothing! Honestly.
My hubby is a mechanic and it would be an 
understatement to say that he comes home
filthy most days..
The amount of detergent I have to use on his 
clothing is unfathomable. But with Crunchy Clean
I only use 3 tablespoons and they come out
looking fresh, clean and unbelievably NORMAL.
It is truly AMAZING! 
Crunchy Clean's Pure Oxygen is also a new fav 
in my daily wash routine.
Unlike other oxygen cleaners on the market that 
are packed with tons of additives, Pure Oxygen is
100% cloth diaper friendly and even safe for
those delicate skin types.
Add a little Pure Oxygen to your load of clothing,
use it to work out a stubborn stain or wash your diapers
in 1/2c. w/ super hot water to do a heavy duty strip!

Pure Oxygen is awesome.
I have added it to almost every load and the difference
in our white clothes is outstanding;
They are much whiter and brighter than ever before.
Such a great Eco-friendly substitute to other brighteners.
Crunchy Clean's Scrub a Dub Dub cleaner is perfect
for everyday cleaning; Bathrooms, kitchens, etc.
It has been  used in several places of my home
and even my hubby loves it!
It was easy to use to clean our bathtub and left is
sparking white, and fume free!
Perfect for a household with 
young children and pets! 
I also used it to clean my laundry room.
My washer and dryer tend to get the brunt of
the mess in this house! 
They are definitely used on a daily basis and
the dirt and grime buildup says so.
Scrub a Dub Dub took care of that job.

My dirty dryer before! YUCK

Just a few sprinkles of SDD, water, a Earthy Crunchy Mama sponge
and some elbow grease and my laundry area was looking
fresh as a daisy!

After cleaned with Cruncy Clean's Scrub a Dub Dub

This cleaner has so many different purposes.
My hubby used it to scrub the toilets, his cooler,
used a little to scrub the floor mats or his car...
and that is just to name a few.
We love it, to say the least. 

Last but not least, Crunchy Clean's All Natural All Purpose Cleaner
is another one of our favorites! 
It might be small but it is mighty!
It comes in a concentrated little bottle, 
so add 1/2 oz to 16 oz of water and you are good to go!

All I had to do was a buy a squirt bottle at
Dollar Tree (love that store), fill it with 16oz
of water and add 1/2oz of All Natural All Purpose
and clean away!

The smell is invigorating.. a nice crisp, fresh lemony fragrance.
It made everything smell and look so clean.
This has been my right hand "man" since day one..
I clean everything with it and actually enjoy using it
(Corny, I know).

Even though I know the dynamic duo
behind such a wonderful company like
Crunchy Clean, I honestly say that their
products are superb!
 They are dedicated to providing natural, safe
and superior cleaning products.. and they
manage to do this out of their own house.

I would highly recommend Crunchy Clean's products
and I will most definitely be a long-term customer!

 Would you like to spice up your household chores
with some Crunchy Clean?

You can purchase a Crunchy Clean directly from their shop
or from one of their MANY retailers.
**Crunchy Clean's store will be closed 5/30-6/27**

Crunchy Clean would like to give ONE lucky reader
a $15 gift certificate to her online store!
Mandatory Entry: 
This counts as ONE entry and must be completed before all other entries! 
**Make sure to include your email with all entries** 
Follow Crazy 4 Fluff blog via Google Friend Connect
Visit Crunchy Clean and tell me what you
would spend the $15 gc on if you won!

Extra Entries:
**Like Crunchy Clean on Facebook (Leave your Facebook name)(+1)
*Please thank them for this giveaway*
**Like Crazy 4 Fluff on Facebook (Leave your Facebook name) (+1)
**Follow Crunchy Clean on Twitter (Leave your Twitter name) (+1)
**Follow Crazy 4 Fluff on Twitter (Leave your Twitter name) (+1) 
**Follow Crazy 4 Fluff via Network Blogs (+1)
** Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email (+2)
**Grab my button. Leave a link so I can find it (+3)  
**Tweet about this giveaway. 
You must include @crazy4fluff and @crunchyclean.
You can tweet once daily. Include a permalink in your entry. (+1)
**Share this giveaway on Facebook, 
tagging both Crunchy Clean & Crazy 4 Fluff 
You can share once per day.(+1)
*Blog about this giveaway, leave me a link so I can find it. (+2)
**We're on the fence. Vote for Crazy 4 Fluff. 
You can vote once per day! (+2)

**Enter another one of my giveaways. Additional entry for each entered.

**I am only human and a busy mama of two girls,
I strive to fix all grammar errors in my reviews
but I occasionally miss some. If you find an error
Email me at crazy4fluff@yahoo.com
and earn some extra entries! 

This giveaway will end  June 20, 2011 at 11:59pm CST.
**This giveaway is longer than usual due to 
**Crunchy Clean closing shop for a few weeks**
                    Winner will be notified by email and posted on my blog!
Winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.

**This is not a paid post. The opinions of this product are strictly that of my own and completely unbiased!
**Thank you to the sponsor for the chance to review this product and for giving one lucky fan a prize!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 362   Newer›   Newest»
Our Family said...

I follow your blog
I would love to try any of the laundry detergents. Shipping is quite expensive to me so I would use the $15 towards my shipping cost

Our Family said...

I like Crunchy Leave on Facebook.
Andrea Chessell

Our Family said...

I like crazy for fluff on facebook
Andrea Chessell

Our Family said...

I voed for you on We're on the Fence


Katie said...


I'd put it towards a Large bag of Mango Papaya CD detergent!


Katie said...

i like cc on fb


Boise Wiebers said...

The Scrub a Dub Dub cleaner sounds great. Our kids help clean the bathrooms and this could be a great product for them to use.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

I like CC on FB.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

I like you on FB as Trisha Rebhuhn W. (Sorry I forgot to leave my FB name above.)
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

NWB follower.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

E-scriber too.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

e-scriber #2
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

I entered Monkey Snuggles.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Joy N. said...

follow via gfc
i would get the crunchy starter kit

Joy N. said...

like you on fb

Joy N. said...

follow via twitter

Joy N. said...

follow via nb

Joy N. said...

subscribe to emails

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Melissa and Rob said...

I Follow Crazy 4 Fluff blog via Google Friend Connect
AND I would get All Purpose Cleaner & Scrub A Dub

Melissa and Rob said...

I like Crunchy Clean on Facebook (Melissa L - lissa8869@gmail.com)

Melissa and Rob said...

I like Crazy 4 Fluff on Facebook (Melissa L - lissa8869@gmail.com)

Melissa and Rob said...

I Follow Crunchy Clean on Twitter (lissa8869 - lissa8869@gmail.com)

Melissa and Rob said...

I follow Crazy 4 Fluff on Twitter (lissa8869 - lissa8869@gmail.com)

Melissa and Rob said...

I Follow Crazy 4 Fluff via Network Blogs (lissa8869@gmail.com)

Melissa and Rob said...

I Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email #1 - lissa8869@gmail.com

Melissa and Rob said...

I Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email #2 - lissa8869@gmail.com

Melissa and Rob said...

I Voted for Crazy 4 Fluff at On The Fence #1 - lissa8869@gmail.com

Melissa and Rob said...

I Voted for Crazy 4 Fluff at On The Fence #2 - lissa8869@gmail.com

booboo79as said...

i follow you on GFC and I would get the Deco Dryer Balls! booboo79as@yahoo.com

booboo79as said...

I like crunch clean on fb. booboo79as@yahoo.com

booboo79as said...

I like crazy 4 fluff on fb. booboo79as@yahoo.com

booboo79as said...

i follow you on networked blogs. booboo79as@yahoo.com

booboo79as said...

I subscribe to you by email. booboo79as@yahoo.com

booboo79as said...

I subscribe to you email. (2) booboo79as@yahoo.com

Melissa E. said...

I follow via GFC as Melissa and would get some Cloth Diaper Detergent - Large Size (Baby Essential scent)

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Melissa E. said...

I like you on FB as Melissa D. E.

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Melissa E. said...

I follow you on Twitter as @shmel424

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Melissa E. said...

I follow you via Networked Blogs as Melissa D. E.

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Melissa E. said...

I subscribe via e-mail (#2/2)

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 5/25: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/73426190651760641

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Melissa E. said...

I entered Monkey Snuggles

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Vanessa said...

I follow via GFC as momlovesdeals and I'd buy a few dryer balls from Crunchy Clean. I've been wanting to try them! vmvazquez83 at yahoo dot com

Vanessa said...

I like you on FB as Vanessa Thompson Vazquez. vmvazquez83 at yahoo dot com

Kelly said...

I follow your blog (Kelly) and I would get the all purpose cleaner and maybe some pure oxygen as well.
kellysteffen at gmail dot com

Amy V said...


i'd get the all natural all purpose cleaner

annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

voted #2
annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

email sub #1
annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

email sub #2
annae07 at aol dot com

Jessi Gonzalez said...

I'd love to try their CD detergent!
GFC follower

Jessi Gonzalez said...

*Like Crunchy Clean on Facebook
Jessica Gonzalez

Jessi Gonzalez said...

Like Crazy 4 Fluff on Facebook
Jessica Gonzalez

Jessi Gonzalez said...

Follow Crunchy Clean on Twitter
@jdm2551~ lovemyhnk@yahoo.com

Jessi Gonzalez said...

Follow Crazy 4 Fluff on Twitter
@jdm2551 lovemyhnk@yahoo.com

Jessi Gonzalez said...

Follow Crazy 4 Fluff via Network Blogs Jessica Gonzalez

Jessi Gonzalez said...

Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email

Jessi Gonzalez said...

voted on the fence

Jessi Gonzalez said...

shared on FB~http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=149497021787104&id=1816415454

Jessi Gonzalez said...

put your button here: http://green-mama-jama.blogspot.com/

Jessi Gonzalez said...

put your button here: http://green-mama-jama.blogspot.com/

Jessi Gonzalez said...

put your button here: http://green-mama-jama.blogspot.com/

missy said...

follow via gfc (eeyoresgr8) and would like to try their laundry detergent in monkey farts scent


missy said...

like cruchy clean on fb (missy seaberg huntington)


missy said...

follow crunchy clean on twitter @eeyoresgr8


missy said...

get the emails


missy said...

voted on the fence


Mrs. Martinet said...

I follow you via GFC as Mrs. Martinet, and I'd spend my $15 on their used stash of kissaluvs!


Mrs. Martinet said...

I like Crunchy clean on facebook as Carrie Martinet.


Mrs. Martinet said...

I like you on facebook as Carrie Martinet.


Mrs. Martinet said...

I follow you on twitter as @carriethegood.


Mrs. Martinet said...

I follow Crunchy Clean on twitter @carriethegood


Mrs. Martinet said...

I subscribe to your emails! carriethegood(at)gmail(dot)com

Mrs. Martinet said...

I subscribe to your emails. #2


Mrs. Martinet said...

I follow you via Networked Blogs. carriethegood(at)gmail(dot)com

Mrs. Martinet said...

I entered the wool dryer ball giveaway.


Melissa E. said...

DT on 5/26: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/73745974375358464

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Amy V said...

annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

entered earth crunchy giveaway

annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

entered monkey snuggles giveaway

annae07 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

GFC Follower and I love the Baby Bear Crafts Dryer Balls
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like you on FB
Addictedto Cloth
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Crunchy Clean on FB
Addictedto Cloth
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Network Blogs Follower
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs today
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs today
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Joy N. said...

entered the earthy crunchy mama giveaway

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Amy V said...

voted on the fence
annae07 at aol dot com

Amy V said...

voted on the fence
annae07 at aol dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 5/27: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/74069428706361344

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Mrs. H said...

I follow you via GFC as Rebecca H.
I would choose their everyday detergent but that glass jar and wooden scoop are too cute, I'd have to buy those too!
shabbychicmomma at gmail dot com

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Melissa E. said...

DT on 5/30: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/75163709714075648

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 5/31: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/75552765274882050

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

LindaHnub said...

I follow you and I would like to buy pure oxygen.

LindaHnub said...

i like crunchy clean on FB.

LindaHnub said...

I like you on FB.

LindaHnub said...

I'm subscribed via email entry 1

LindaHnub said...

I'm subscribed via email entry 2

LindaHnub said...

entered monkey snuggles giveaway

LindaHnub said...

entered earthy crunchy mama giveaway

Melissa E. said...

DT on 6/1: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/75917029495947264

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Chany said...

I follow via GFC with user name cgarrett15738500, and I would get some cd detergent in Granny's Pecan Pie scent!
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

I like Crunchy Clean on FB.
Chantelle Garrett Jackson
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

I like you on FB.
Chantelle Garrett Jackson
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

I follow Crunchy Clean on Twitter.
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

I follow you on Twitter.
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

I follow via Networked Blogs.
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

I subscribe via email. #1
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

I subscribe via email. #2
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences! #2
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 6/2: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/76277513390788608

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Jess said...

I follow you on gfc as Jess Wilson, if I won I would buy the cloth diaper detergent .... raisingfourdaughters at gmail dot com

Jess said...

I follow crunchy clean on fb as Jess Wilson, raisingfourdaughters at gmail dot com

Jess said...

I am a fan of crazy for fluff as jess wilson, raisingfourdaughters at gmail dot com

Jess said...

voted on the fence 6-3, raisingfourdaughters at gmail dot com

Jess said...

shared the giveaway on my wall and tagged you in it, Jess Wilson, raisingfourdaughters at gmail dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 6/3: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/76648901482004480

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Becca said...

Follow Crazy 4 Fluff blog via Google Friend Connect as becca scott
i would order Baby Bear Crafts Dryer Balls
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

Like Crunchy Clean on Facebook as becca scott
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

**Like Crazy 4 Fluff on Facebook
as becca scott
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

*Follow Crunchy Clean on Twitter as @orangepuddle
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

*Follow Crazy4Fluff on Twitter as @orangepuddle
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

Follow Crazy 4 Fluff via Network Blogs
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email
1/2 beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email
2/2 beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

voted on PF 1/2
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

voted on PF 2/2
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

entered earthy crucnchy mama giveaway
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Chany said...

cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/3! #1
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/3! #2
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Madeline said...

I follow you on GFC and would get the cloth diaper detergent.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

I like CC on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

I like you on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

I follow CC on Twitter (@MadelineMiller).

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

I subscribe via email.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com


Madeline said...

I subscribe via email.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com


Madeline said...

I have your button on my blog at www.clothdiapergiveaways.com.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com


Madeline said...


madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

Blogged: http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/2011/06/crunchy-clean-giveaway.html

madelinemiller at gmail dot com


Madeline said...

Blogged: http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/2011/06/crunchy-clean-giveaway.html

madelinemiller at gmail dot com


Madeline said...

Voted on Picket Fence.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com


Madeline said...

Voted on Picket Fence.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com


PunkRockChic said...

I'm a gfc follower and I would get the Tea Tree oil and Lavendar oil =)

Chany said...

cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/4! #1
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/4! #2
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Becca said...

voted on pf
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

voted on pf
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 6/4: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/76971430780211200

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

mcmillan_jamie said...

I follow Crazy 4 Fluff blog via Google Friend Connect.
If I won the $15 gift card I would bu
mcmillan_jamie (at) yahoo (dot) com

Chany said...


Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/5! #1
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/5! #2
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/6! #1
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/6! #2
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 6/5: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/77358409090998272

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 6/6: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/77735378244730880

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Becca said...

beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

voted on pF 6/7 #1
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Becca said...

voted on PF 6/7 #2
beccascott0312 at gmail dot com

Chany said...

cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/7! #1
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/7! #2
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I follow C4F via GFC and would spend the $15 gc on a Fuzzibunz OS Cloth Diaper.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I like Crunchy Clean on FB as Kalea Francoeur.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I like Crazy 4 Fluff on FB as Kalea Francoeur.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Shared on FB.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 6/7: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/78090575211016192

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Shared on FB.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com

Chany said...

cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/8! #1
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Chany said...

Voted on Picket Fences today 6/8! #2
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

Melissa E. said...

DT on 6/8: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/78455216944590848

edz.mels at yahoo dot com

Amy V said...

voted on the fence

Unknown said...

Shared on FB.
kafrancoeur AT hotmail DOT com

Amanda said...

Follow via GFC and I'd use it to get a bag of the everyday detergent.
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Like CC on FB and thanked - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Follow CC on twitter - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Follow via network blogs
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

tvpg at aol dot com

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