Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sweet Bobbins Review & Giveaway*CLOSED

Back in February I found an article on
Family Cloth that I shared with you readers.
It raised the question, 'How green are you willing to go?'
and I have pondered on that thought for the past few months.
Really.. How green am I willing to go??

I have to admit the thought of not using toilet paper
took a bit of an adjustment.
The initial ick factor was the biggest hurdle
but then it dawned on me:
'I use cloth wipes on my girls,
what is the big deal?'

My hubby was much more open to the
idea than I was. He had made
comments in the past about using our
diaper sprayer as a bidet..
which is actually a great idea.
 So when I told him I wanted to switch
over to family cloth, for real, he was very supportive.

I know a lot of families make their own family cloth
out of old receiving blankets, t-shirts, or rags;
or you can purchase them from a shop like Sweet Bobbins.

Sweet Bobbins is family owned and operated by two
WAHM cousins, Angela and Rene,
that live on opposite sides of the country
but run the company as one!
How impressive is that!?

Sweet Bobbins' Etsy shop is full of wonderful
handmade cloth wipes, pail liners, bibs and you guessed it...
family cloth! (Plus much more)

When I contacted Sweet Bobbins with the idea
of doing a family cloth review, Angela was immediately on board!
She generously sent me a set of family
cloth and a small hanging wetbag.

Add caption

The Sweet Bobbins wet bag is the perfect size
for family cloth, mama cloth, wet wipes
while traveling, or could even hold 1-2 dirty diapers.
(measuring 8"x10")

It features a handle that snaps and easily
attaches to wherever you need it to!
The inner PUL is very thick and durable and keeps
moisture and odor in, where they belong.
The zipper is easy to open and close,
not to big but not too small.
PUL inner of wetbag
Sweet Bobbins wipes/family cloth are the cream of the crop.
A set of 25, gender neutral, 6x8" wipes.
I chose to get a mix of double layer flannel 
and OBV (Organic Bamboo Velour);
(Angela said that some prefer flannel 
for #1 and OBV for #2.)
The size is perfect, fits in the palm of your hand!
They are very thick but not as thick as a wash cloth.
Both fabrics are soft but the OBV is buttery soft, 
although Angela said some prefer OBV over flannel-
I seem to prefer the flannel.

Flannel on Left and OBV on Right

Transitioning over to family cloth has been easier
than I could have ever imagined.
We have two bathrooms that get used equally,
so in the master bath I hang the wet bag from the
tiolet paper holder and stack a few wipes on top
and put the rest on the back of the toilet in an old
wipes container. In our hallway bath or 'guest' bath
I use the diaper pail for family cloth used in there
and come diaper washing day.. they all get washed together.
I treat the family cloth just as I do the cloth wipes we use
for diaper changes.. If there is a huge mess on them I spray
with the diaper sprayer but mostly they get
used and then tossed in with the others! Just that easy!

Family cloth set up in master bathroom
I wish I would have made the switch a long time ago
but really, just like I was clueless about cloth diapering,
I was also naive and unaware about family cloth.
If you have a television, you have more than
likely seen the toilet paper commercial with
the bears for Charmin. Even they know that
when using toilet paper, there are often 'pieces left behind'.

How nasty is that? Pieces of dirty, used, paper left behind-
that sure does gross me out.
But with family cloth, I have never felt cleaner!
No more flakes of TP left behind and I don't know
about you but when I want to freshen up.. a wash cloth is
what I reach for, not a piece of TP.
Why not freshen up every time??

We still have TP in the house for guest or for back-up
but we prefer Sweet Bobbins family cloth!
Still curious to try it out at your house?

You can purchase a set of family cloth and wetbag
like the ones I reviewed from Sweet Bobbins' Etsy Shop.
8x10'' wetbag=$14.00
Set of 25 Family Cloth/Cloth wipes= $30.00

Sweet Bobbins would like to give one LUCKY reader
a 7x9" wetbag and 6 family cloth/cloth wipes. 
Valued at $21

Mandatory Entry: 
This counts as ONE entry and must be completed before all other entries! 
**Make sure to include your email with all entries** 
Follow Crazy 4 Fluff blog via Google Friend Connect
Head over to Sweet Bobbins' Etsy Shop and tell me
you FAVORITE item(s) available.

Extra Entries:
**Like Sweet Bobbins on Facebook (Leave your Facebook name)(+1)
*Please thank them for this giveaway*
**Like Crazy 4 Fluff on Facebook (Leave your Facebook name) (+1)
**Follow Sweet Bobbins on Twitter (Leave your Twitter name) (+1)
**Follow Crazy 4 Fluff on Twitter (Leave your Twitter name) (+1)
**Follow Crazy 4 Fluff via Network Blogs (+1)
**Heart Sweet Bobbins on Etsy(Leave your Etsy ID) (+2)
** Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email (+2)
**Grab my button. Leave a link so I can find it (+3)  
**Tweet about this giveaway. 
You must include
@crazy4fluff and @sweetbobbins
You can tweet once daily. Include a permalink in your entry. (+1)
**Share this giveaway on Facebook, 
tagging both  & Crazy 4 Fluff and Sweet Bobbins
You can share once per day.(+1)
*Blog about this giveaway, leave me a link so I can find it. (+2)
**We're on the fence. Vote for Crazy 4 Fluff. 
You can vote once per day! (+2)

**Enter another one of my giveaways. Additional entry for each entered.

**Make a purchase from Sweet Bobbins
For every $1 that you spend you get ONE extra entry. 
Purchase is on valid if made during this giveaway.
Email me an invoice at crazy4fluff@yahoo.com

**I am only human and a busy mama of two girls,
I strive to fix all grammar errors in my reviews

but I occasionally miss some. If you find an error

Email me at crazy4fluff@yahoo.com
and earn some extra entries! 

This giveaway will end  July 11, 2011 at 11:59pm CST.
                    Winner will be notified by email and posted on my blog!
Winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.

**This is not a paid post. The opinions of this product are strictly that of my own and completely unbiased!
**Thank you to the sponsor for the chance to review this product and for giving one lucky fan a prize!


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Jessica King said...

Following via GFC & my fave item is the Starling Print - 12x12 wet bag
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Like & Thanked Sweet Bobbin on FB
Jessica King
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Like you on FB
Jessica King
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Following Sweet Bobbins on Twitter
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

"Hearted" her on Etsy
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

"Hearted" her on Etsy 2
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Voted on Picket Fences 6/20
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Voted on Picket Fences 6/20
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Following you on Networked Blogs
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Subscribed via Emails 1
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Subscribed via Emails 2
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Grabbed your button 1
Right Sidebar
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Grabbed your button 2
Right Sidebar
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Grabbed your button 3
Right Sidebar
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Shared on FB
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Entered the Blissful Booty Giveaway
sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Jessica King said...

Entered Love for Earth Giveaway
Sweet20j at yahoo dot com

PunkRockChic said...

I'm a gfc follower (PunkRockChic) and I like the Sweet Bobbins cloth wipes =)


Jessica King said...

Entered the Crunchy Clean Giveaway
sweet20j at yahoo dot com

Raquel said...

I follow Crazy4Fluff on GFC as Raquel Beaty.

I would love to have one of their 16x16 wet bags!

onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

Like Sweet Bobbins on FB as Raquel Beaty. I also thanked them!
onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

I follow Crazy 4 fluff on FB as Raquel Beaty
onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

I follow SweetBobbins on Twitter - (RaquelBeaty)

onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

I follow Crazy 4 fluff on Twitter (RaquelBeaty)

onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

I "heart" sweet bobbins on Etsy as RaqShaq.

onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

Voted on the fence (1)
onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

Voted on the fence! (2) (6/20)
onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

Subscribed via email (1)
onliquidice at gmail dot com

Raquel said...

Subscribed via email (1)
onliquidice at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow via GFC and I love the OBV wipes!
smoo06 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like crazy 4 fluff on facebook as Samantha Allen.
smoo06 at yahoo dot com

Amber said...

I follow the blog via GFC as Amber. It is hard to pick one favorite item from Sweet Bobbins...I have been ordering from her over the past 7 months. I love her cloth wipes though...I have several variety girl prints. I prefer the OBV.


Amber said...

I like sweet bobbins on facebook as Amber Dickerson.


Amber said...

I like Crazy 4 Fluff on facebook as Amber Dickerson.


Amber said...

follow sweet bobbins on twitter as scamper1977.


Amber said...

follow crazy 4 fluff on twitter as scamper1977.


Amber said...

follow via networked blogs


Amber said...

I heart sweet bobbins on etsy as Amber77


Amber said...

heart sweet bobbins on etsy as Amber77


Amber said...

suscribe to crazy 4 fluff email


Amber said...

suscribe to crazy 4 fluff email


Amber said...

voted for you today


Amber said...

voted for you today


Amber said...

shared on facebook:




Her store is "closed" atm, so I looked at her FB photos, and love the girly wipes...so cute! I follow you on GFC as well


I like C4F on FB :)

Unknown said...

Ok, your review has gotten me interested! I use cloth dipes + wipes, mama cloth.... I guess family cloth is the next step, right?!
I follow you via GFC, and I went to the Sweet Bobbins etsy site, but the store is currently closed to catch up on orders. I did check out the Facebook page, though, and love the nursing covers!


Unknown said...

I like Sweet Bobbins on Facebook (Selina Richelle Rupers)


Unknown said...

I like you on Facebook
(Selina Richelle Rupers)


Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter (Sillyna511)


Unknown said...

I follow Sweet Bobbins on Twitter (Sillyna511)


Unknown said...

Your button is on my blog, #1


Unknown said...

Your button is on my blog, #2


Unknown said...

Your button is on my blog, #3


Unknown said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence #1


Unknown said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence #2


graceInk said...

I follow your blog via GFC as Carolyn H and I really like her baby bibs....cute!!

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I like Sweet Bobbins on Facebook and thanked them (Carolyn Hughesman)

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I like Crazy 4 Fluff on Facebook (Carolyn Hughesman)

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I follow @SWEETBOBBINS on Twitter (@Graceink)

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I follow @Crazy4Fluff on Twitter (@Graceink)

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I subscribe to your emails

graceink at yahoo dot com


graceInk said...

I subscribe to your emails

graceink at yahoo dot com


graceInk said...

tweet (6/20)


graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

Daily Picket Fence vote (6/20)

graceink at yahoo dot com


graceInk said...

Daily Picket Fence vote (6/20)

graceink at yahoo dot com


graceInk said...

I entered the Blissful Booty giveaway

graceink at yahoo dot com

Tiffany said...

GFC follower. Well I can't see her shop but the wipes in your review look really nice. I have been thinking of switching us to family cloth.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Like Crazy 4 Fluff on FB. Tiffany W.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Follow Sweet Bobbins on twitter. IamMrsWilkins
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

I added Sweet Bobbins to my favorites on Etsy. Etwilkins
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Email subscriber. 1
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Email subscriber. 2
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Voted for you on the fence.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Added Sweet Bobbins to my favorites on Etsy. 2
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

etwilkins at gmail dot com

Sunflower Joy said...

follow with GFC as Brooke Schwaderer and from sweet bobbins shop I like the rocket crib sheet

anjellfire at gmail dot com

Sunflower Joy said...

like sweet bobbins on facebook as Brooke Schwaderer

anjellfire at gmail dot com

Sunflower Joy said...

like crazy 4 fluff on facebook as Brooke Schwaderer

anjellfire at gmail dot com

Sunflower Joy said...

heart sweet bobbins on etsy as Sunflower Joy

anjellfire at gmail dot com

Sunflower Joy said...

heart sweet bobbins on etsy as sunflower joy -1

anjellfire at gmail dot com

Sunflower Joy said...

subscribe by email-1

anjellfire at gmail dot com

Sunflower Joy said...

voted on picket fence-1

anjellfire at gmail dot com

Sunflower Joy said...

voted on picket fence-2

anjellfire at gmail dot com

Bridgett said...

follow with GFC under my name

Sweet Bobbin is closed for vacation but I saw some flat diapers on her FB page I'd love to try!

princessbridgett at hotmail dot com

Bridgett said...

already follow sweet bobbins on FB
Bridgett Z

Boise Wiebers said...

I'm not able to pick my favorite item as it says their shop is closed for vacation.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Bridgett said...

follow crazy for fluff on FB
Bridgett Z

princessbridgett at hotmail dot com

Bridgett said...

follow via network blogs

princessbridgett at hotmail dot com

Bridgett said...

added sweet bobbins to fav on etsy
entry 1

princessbridgett at hotmail dot com

Bridgett said...

added sweet bobbins to fav on etsy
entry 2

princessbridgett at hotmail dot com

Bridgett said...

email subscriber entry 1

princessbridgett at hotmail dot com

Bridgett said...

voted on picket fence
entry 1

princessbridgett at hotmail dot com

Bridgett said...

voted on picket fence
entry 2

princessbridgett at hotmail dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

I like you on FB as Trisha Rebhuhn Wieber.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

I'm also a NWB follower.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

E-mail #1
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

E-mail #2
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

LindaHnub said...

I follow you via gfc and I like the Couture Mama Nursing Cover - Mod Mommy Designs - Blue Scroll.

LindaHnub said...

I like sweet bobbins on FB.

LindaHnub said...

I like you on FB. Linda Hawes

LindaHnub said...

Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email entry 1

LindaHnub said...

Subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email entry 2

LindaHnub said...

entered blissful booty giveaway.

LindaHnub said...

entered love for earth giveaway.

LindaHnub said...

entered crunchy clean giveaway

JLJMommy said...

GFC - JLJMommy
Starling Print - 12x12 wet bag
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

Like C4F on fb - Kimberlie S.T>
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

Like C4F on twitter - JLJMommy
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

I already like Sweet Bobbins on fb - Kimberlie S.T>
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

c4f twitter fan - @JLJMommy
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

Sweet Bobbins twitter fan - @JLJMommy
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

"Heart" Sweet Bobbins on ETSY JLJMommy
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

"Heart" Sweet Bobbins on ETSY JLJMommy
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

I get C4F emails.
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

I get C4F emails.
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

Your blog button is at http://theclothexperiment.blogspot.com/, my blog's sidebar.
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

Your blog button is at http://theclothexperiment.blogspot.com/, my blog's sidebar.
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

JLJMommy said...

Your blog button is at http://theclothexperiment.blogspot.com/, my blog's sidebar.
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

Error #1 =)
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

Error #2 =)
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Ashley Tyler said...

Following via GFC.

Love the XL pail liners at Sweet Bobbins.


Ashley Tyler said...

Followed Crazy4Fluff on FB
Ashley Tyler


Ashley Tyler said...

Followed Sweet Bobbins on FB
Ashley Tyler


Ashley Tyler said...

Hearted Sweet Bobbins on Etsy


Joy N. said...

follow via gfc
her etsy shop was closed
on fb i liked the leaf print bib

Joy N. said...

like sweet bobbins on fb

Joy N. said...

like you on fb

Joy N. said...

follow sweet bobbins via twitter

Joy N. said...

follow sweet bobbins via twitter

Joy N. said...

follow you via twitter

Joy N. said...

added sweet bobbins to etsy favorites

Joy N. said...

subscribe via email

Joy N. said...


Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

Joy N. said...

voted on picket fence

graceInk said...

tweet (6/21)


graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

Daily Picket Fence vote (6/21)

graceink at yahoo dot com


graceInk said...

Daily Picket Fence vote (6/21)

graceink at yahoo dot com


Moonglow283 said...

follow you through GFC

sweet bobbins etsy shop was down when i went to check (not taking any new orders right now) but i love the cloth wipes print in the photo that you posted

amandaeknittel at gmail

Moonglow283 said...

aaf of sweet bobbins on fb - Amanda Herman

amandaeknittel at gmail

Moonglow283 said...

like you on fb - Amanda Herman

amandaeknittel at gmail

Moonglow283 said...

follow sweet bobbins on twitter - moonglow283

amandaeknittel at gmail

Moonglow283 said...



amandaeknittel at gmail

Sarah Hull said...

*sweet bobbins etsy shop is on vacation when I went to check, so I just looked at the items she has sold recently*

Following via GFC & my favorite item is the NEW - Starling Print - 12x12 wet bag and I also love the Custom Crib Sheets she makes (love the Spotted Owl green fabric!)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I like Crazy 4 Fluff on Facebook (Sarah Hull)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I follow Sweet Bobbins on Twitter (@trvlgrl121)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I follow Crazy 4 Fluff on Twitter (@trvlgrl121)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I Heart Sweet Bobbins on Etsy #1 (SHull2319)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I Heart Sweet Bobbins on Etsy #2 (SHull2319)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email #1

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email #2

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

tweeted: http://twitter.com/trvlgrl121/status/83279602683879424

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

Voted for Crazy 4 Fluff at On the Fence

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

I follow you with GFC, and I like the Couture Mama Nursing Cover - Blue Scroll!


Sarah said...

I follow Sweet Bobbins on Twitter. (ILoveClothDipes)


Sarah said...

I follow Crazy 4 Fluff on Twitter. (ILoveClothDipes)


Sarah said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence. #1


Sarah said...

I voted for you on Picket Fence. #2


Sarah said...

I entered your Blissful Booty giveaway.


Amanda said...

Follow via GFC and uummm her shop is on vacation! LOL I know I'd really love the family cloth! There's nothing like bamboo to wipe with! It is sooo soft!
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Like sweet bobbins on FB - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Like you on FB - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Follow sweet bobbins on twitter - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Like you on twitter - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Follow via network blogs
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Hearted Sweet Bobbins 1 - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Hearted Sweet Bobbins 2 - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Subscribed via email 1
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Subscribed via email 2
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Voted at PFB 1
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Voted at PFB 2
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Dolphin4176/status/83322437764259840
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Entered the Love For Earth GA
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

Entered the Blissful Booty GA
tvpg at aol dot com

Sabrina B Radke said...

I follow you via gfc and I love the adorable custom crib sheets!
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Sabrina B Radke said...

I like sweet bobbins on fb!
sabrina dahl radke
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Sabrina B Radke said...

I follow sweet bobbins on twitter!
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Sabrina B Radke said...

I follow you on twitter!
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Sabrina B Radke said...

I follow you via networked blogs!
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Sabrina B Radke said...

I subscribe via email! #1
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Sabrina B Radke said...

I subscribe via emails! #2
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Amy V said...


i love the boys' starter set cloth wipes


Amy V said...

email sub


Amy V said...

'heart' sweet bobbins on etsy

AAPL username


Amy V said...

'heart' sweet bobbins on etsy

AAPL username


Yesenia said...

I follow via GFC.
morales_y at yahoo dot com

Yesenia said...

I love their bibs. The prints are so adorable.

Yesenia said...

I subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email #1.
morales_y at yahoo.com

Yesenia said...

I subscribe to Crazy 4 Fluff via email #2.
morales_y at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

tweet (6/22)


graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

Daily Picket Fence vote (6/22)

graceink at yahoo dot com


graceInk said...

Daily Picket Fence vote (6/22)

graceink at yahoo dot com


Erin said...

I follow you via GFC and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her wipes! I've purchased a few for my baby, and they are WONDERFUL! I'd love some more to try for family cloth!

erinbethmitchell at yahoo dot com

Erin said...

Like Sweet bottoms on FB (Erin Mitchell)

erinbethmitchell at yahoo dot com

Erin said...

follow you via network blogs

erinbethmitchell at yahoo dot com

Erin said...

heart sweet bobbins on etsy (ebandive/erin mitchell)

erinbethmitchell at yahoo dot com

Erin said...

subscribe via email

erinbethmitchell at yahoo dot com

Erin said...

voted for you today (1)

erinbethmitchell at yahoo dot com

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